Dr. Yellowlees on COVID-19
Dr. Yellowlees on Coronavirus (COVID-19)
As a world-renown expert on telemedicine, psychiatry, and clinician well-being, Dr. Yellowlees has been sharing his expertise to help clinicians, patients, and the general public stay safe, healthy, and well. Follow his interviews across various media outlets.
October 6, 2021
The pandemic has more people turning to a “therapist in your pocket” | Marketplace
April 20, 2021
The COVID-19 Pandemic and Virtual Care: The Transformation of Psychiatry | Psychiatric News
February 22, 2021
Mental Health and Wellness During a Pandemic - Dr. Yellowlees | MedCram
November 20, 2020
Fighting a Mental Health Pandemic | Innovation Hub | Spotify Podcast
October 27, 2020
Coping with COVID | YouTube
September 26, 2020
Feeling anxious? Why online therapy might work better than an office visit | CNET
July 15, 2020
Preparing for Tomorrow’s Hybrid Workplace | Forbes
June 12, 2020
State Superintendent Calling On Counseling Groups To Strengthen Mental Health Support For Students | CBS Sacramento
June 11, 2020
Coping with COVID-19: Short & Long-Term Approaches | UC Davis Behavioral Health Center of Excellence | Webinar | Slides
June 10, 2020
Help for the Helpers: Crises like the coronavirus pandemic increase stress, especially for first responders, but there are ways to cope | Comstock’s Magazine
June 2, 2020
‘Be Gentle’: How to Stay Healthy Emotionally During Social Isolation | The Chronicle of Philanthropy
May 28, 2020
Rapid Conversion of an Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic to a 100% Virtual Telepsychiatry Clinic in Response to COVID-19 (Technology in Mental Health) | Psychiatric Services (Journal of American Psychiatric Association)
May 1, 2020
Telepsychiatry: From Crisis to Opportunity | The Carlat Psychiatry Report
April 27, 2020
COVID-19 in Context: How will this situation affect our children? Coronavirus Outbreak Answers | ABC 10
COVID-19 in Context: Is my child stressed or going through a phase? Coronavirus Outbreak Answers | ABC 10
COVID-19 in Context: What effects does stress have on our bodies? Coronavirus Outbreak Answers | ABC 10
April 20, 2020
Battling Burnout | Comstock’s Magazine
April 17, 2020
Acts of grace from everyday Californians are getting us through | Daily Democrat
April 13, 2020
Telepsychiatry in the Age of COVID-19 | Genomind
April 12, 2020
Interview with Peter Yellowlees: Chief Wellness Officer at UC Davis Health | Corona Crisis Collective
April 9, 2020
America’s having a nervous breakdown. Can telemedicine fix it? | Politico
March 31, 2020
Coronavirus Outbreak Answers: How can I keep calm in the grocery store? | ABC 10
Coronavirus Outbreak Answers: I'm pregnant and stressed. How can I stay calm? | ABC 10
Coronavirus Outbreak Answers: How do I stay calm in front of my children when I'm not feeling that way inside? | ABC 10
March 26, 2020
COVID-19: Dramatic Changes to Telepsychiatry Rules and Regs | Medscape
March 24, 2020
Surviving Social Distancing: Tips From UC Davis Experts | UC Davis Health
March 21, 2020
Hoarding in a pandemic: A problem of messaging, selfishness, or simply fear? | Salon
March 21, 2020
Telepsychiatry in the Era of COVID-19 | SMI Adviser
March 19, 2020
Coronavirus: Mental Health and Wellness During the COVID-19 Pandemic | YouTube
March 18, 2020
Physicians and Health Systems Can Reduce Fear Around COVID-19: A Message from a Chief Wellness Officer | Medscape
March 17, 2020
How to talk to your kids about coronavirus and why they shouldn’t be shaking hands. | ABC 10